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Eating Disorder Treatment

Eating Disorder Treatment

If you are considering seeking help for an eating disorder, chances are good that you are experiencing many emotions: worrying that recovery won’t work for you, afraid of giving up your eating disorder, concerned about losing control, and more. The most important thing to know is that you are not alone. Once you reach out, I will be there to guide and reassure you every step of the way.

Eating disorders are complex illnesses with biological, genetic, psychological, social and developmental roots. Often a team approach is most effective.  I will work with you, if needed, to develop a team of experts, including dietitians and other healthcare specialists, who can provide you with comprehensive care to address your individual needs.

I know that the process of treatment can be physically and emotionally challenging, but also richly rewarding. As a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist and Supervisor, I have dedicated my career to providing compassionate care that utilizes the very best evidence-based treatment options. For more than two decades I’ve helped clients by offering new coping skills, resources, support systems, and strategies for success. I have watched them not only recover, but thrive.

The good news: Eating disorders are treatable and full recovery is possible!

Issues Addressed:

Binge Eating Disorder
Compulsive over-exercise
Body-image concerns
Low self-esteem