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What To Do Between Sessions: Making the Most of Therapy

Therapy is a wonderful way to explore your inner world, process your feelings, and inspire transformation. But what my clients often tell me is that a day or so after our session, they begin to feel a little lost and anxious again.It’s important to support the progress you’ve made with your therapist in between your sessions. Here is what I...[ read more ]

Mental Health Care for The Career Woman

When you think about it, modern women are really like superheroes. Not only are they obtaining college degrees and climbing corporate ladders, they’re doing so while also raising families. They may also find themselves taking care of aging parents at the same time.While some women are able to manage juggling all of these big responsibilities, many women, over time, will...[ read more ]

Eating Disorders in Adults

Eating disorders are often associated with teenagers and adolescents. But many adults struggle with this same issue.What are Eating Disorders?Eating disorders are mental health issues that involve unhealthy or obsessive eating habits. Some of the most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder.Anyone can develop an eating disorder at any point in their life, though a disproportionate...[ read more ]

The Importance of Community for Your Mental Health

Our mental health significantly impacts our quality of life, so it makes sense that we would want to do all we can to improve it. This may include things like eating healthy foods, exercising, and getting enough quality sleep each night. But there is something else that greatly influences our mental health and that is a community and a sense of...[ read more ]

What is Disordered Eating and How Can Therapy Help?

Disordered eating, also referred to as “eating disorders,” is a behavioral condition that is characterized by disturbances in eating behaviors. These behaviors are usually associated with distressing thoughts and emotional patterns. Disordered eating can be a very serious condition that affects someone’s physical and psychological functioning and well-being. The most common forms of disordered eating include:Anorexia nervosa Bulimia nervosa Binge eating disorder Rumination disorderWhat...[ read more ]

Are You an Exercise Addict?

We all know that to be healthy we’ve got to exercise regularly. But do some people take exercise too far? How much exercise is too much?It is entirely possible to become addicted to exercise. In fact, it is estimated that 3% of regular gym-goers are exercise addicts. But this number can change dramatically depending on the specific population and type...[ read more ]

How to Find the Right Therapist in Your Town or City

It’s a new year and many of us have committed to making changes that will allow our best selves to shine through. And in most instances, we know exactly how to get the help we need to facilitate this change.For instance, if we want to get into good physical shape, we know to head to our local gym and get...[ read more ]

The Power of Vulnerability

We live in a society that rewards those with courage and valor. We are taught from a young age that it’s good to face our fears, for doing so is often the catalyst for powerful and lasting change.And yet, how many of us allow ourselves to be vulnerable?Think of the amount of courage it takes to allow yourself to be...[ read more ]

The Truth About Perfectionism

We live in a society that values things that appear perfect. And I suppose there are things that can be perfect. Architects can draw the perfect straight line, mathematicians can solve an equation with a perfect calculation, and a chocolate cake can be perfectly moist.But as human beings, we can never reach a state of perfection because we will always...[ read more ]

3 Signs Social Media Is Hindering Your Happiness

How long has it been since you checked your Facebook page or Twitter account? If you’re like most people, you use social media many times throughout the day.But while you may think social media is fun, studies have suggested that it can take a toll on our emotions. One such study by researchers at the University of Missouri focused on...[ read more ]

12720 Hillcrest Road, #710
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 954-2682

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